The Success Cycle
You Can Sell Anything With This System
With an enviable track record in sales any beginner or continuing
professional salesman would want to emulate, Roger Cawiezell has written
The Success Cycle to muster in one book the
formulas that make for endurance, psychological balance and continuing
growth in one of the most competitive fields in business. One of the best things that Cawiezell has done over the forty years as a professional in the insurance industry had been to help develop young salespeople become top performers and leaders in their communities. He has given back what he had been given: as a youth he had an excellent work ethic that blossomed under the guidance of adopted mentors. At a very early age, he intuitively knew what it took to be a successful entrepreneur. And he knows that mastery in the business of sales will benefit personal life as well. Issues on business etiquette and how morality makes for a stronger and resilient mindset in the ups and downs of the market are also discussed. The book comes with helpful models and diagrams that outline the major points and flows of Cawiezell’s business acumen. Learning and mastering the 10 areas of The Success Cycle put the author within the top 1% of sales people within two years of mastering it.
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