| Purpose of this website is to explore the hypothesis, and spread awareness on: CCSVI - Chronic Cerebro-Spinal Venous Insufficiency Recently proposed as the cause of Multiple Sclerosis. Diagnosis: Cranial & Neck imaging (CT-Venography, Magnetic Resonance Venography (MVR) or Doppler). Treatment: Angioplasty or stents for jugular stenosis, to restore blood flow out of brain. | | My Stenosis: I had corrective stent procedure Oct 2009 at Stanford. Details in my blog (updated 01/25/2010) and images. More about me. Alert 12/9/09 - CCSVI Procedures on hold: - Procedures on hold in USA, intervention trials beginning.
- USA: Stony Brook, Georgetown, Duke, Stanford, Univ. South Carolina, The Vascular Group, Albany, NY
Canada: Univ. Bristish Columbai, Hamilton/McMaster. - Watch for results early 2010 from CTEVD Study Jacobs Neurological Institute, University at Buffalo. Latest news.
- What you can do to prepare:
- Make a transition plan with your doctor if using MS immune suppression therapy, in case CCSVI theory is correct.
- Find a local vascular doctor or interventional radiologist. Doctor list that treats a similar condition, CTOS.
- You have a right to proper diagnosis, even if treatments are on hold for now. See resources and scan protocols below.
- Make a post-procedure recovery care plan, based on current level of disability, then a rehab plan to regain functionality.
- Action you can take to speed the research
- What you can do to feel better & slow MS progression while the CCSVI research gets started:
- Try calming your immune system's reaction to CCSVI damage with Low Dose Naltrexone therapy.
- Pick your favorite MS diet and stick with it. Quit eating sugar and fructose (Sugar: The Bitter Truth H. Lustig, MD, UCSF).
- I've tried all of the above and found them to be effective. I've been at this long enough to give advice, so there you have some!
Media Coverage Research / Clinical Evidence / What is CCSVI? Patient Evidence, Experiences & Support - ThisIsMS CCSVI patient forum - Read "Just the Facts" sticky post first, for plain language explanation.
- Patient CCSVI Tracking Project at ThisIsMS.
- Rate your own MS score, MSIS-29 online Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale (part of the Tracking Project).
- CCSVI Facebook - breaking news on research & patient advocacy efforts.
- Get the latest: Google search on CCSVI, or YouTube
- Patient Blogs:
What The MS Societies & Doctors Are Saying Where You Can Get the Diagnostic Scans First contact your MS doctor, and ask when they will begin CCSVI scans. Have the radiologist coordinate with a doctor familiar with CCSVI, so the right scans are done. Let the patient coordinator contact your insurance provider for pre-authorization. Diagnostic Scans, & Corrective Procedures (stent/angioplasty) have been performed at: - USA, CA: Stanford University, Dr. Michael Dake. Patient Coordinator: (650) 725-3806
- As of 12/09/09 procedures no longer available, but you can register for clinical trial starting 2010.
- Canada: As of Dec 2009, University of British Columbia is seeking to fund a CCSVI trial.
- Italy: University Bologna Hospital, Dr. Zamboni
- Ireland: Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, Drs Anton Collins, Robin Baker
- Poland: Dr. Simka, website. Email contact preferred, mariansimka@poczta.onet.pl
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